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Scrapebox Classroom Trackbacks and Excerpts generator tool
This one is a Trackbacks and Excerpts tool that lets you generate up to 10,000 of each without having to code each line by hand.
If you have worked with trackbacks in scrapebox, then you know that they don't work the same way as comments. They require you to put 1 anchor and 1 url per line, with no spin text option. Also with Exceprts its 1 title and 1 excerpt per line, although the except its self does support spin text.
So I whipped up a tool that takes the hand coding work out of this task. The only tool you need to have for this to run is Excel, which I assume most people have, if not you should be able to use it with the free Open Office Equivalent. (although I haven't tested it with Open Office)
There is a video on the page explaining how to use it as well as trackbacks in general.
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