Amazon Product Inspector:

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Amazon Product Inspector:

Version (June 4, 2012)

Added the ability to get the search results data from the website
Added new custom filters option where you can create unlimited number of custom filters and save your custom filter profile to an external file
updated the graphical user interface to a new modern look and feel
removed the option when you double-click a row to view the item in your web browser. You now simply click the product ID link in the Product ID column to go tot he corresponding amazon product in your web browser
you can now select multiple cells instread of only mulitple rows
add new right-click option where you can copy the selected cell content to the clipboard in tab delimited format
also added the ability to use CTRL-C to copy selected cells to clipboard in tab delimited format
added a new Facebook button to our new Facebook fanpage here
Added new facebook and twitter share buttons .. please share the love :-)

Version (Apr 17, 2012)

Fixed the problem when right-clicking and selecting "copy selected titles" and "copy selected product ids". The problem was only the first item was copied if the selected rows where not selected together. This is now fixed.

Version (Mar 4, 2012)

Removed my affiliate id from product links
fixed the product id (ASIN) for output txt and csv files
fixed the problem where duplicate items were being saved in the output CSV and TXT files
fixed the number of reviews output for the txt and csv files

Version (Feb 8, 2012)

fixed the CSV data output

Version (Feb 8, 2012)

Changed the software name and graphics to Azon Product Inspector

Version (Jan 28, 2012)

added "Product ID" column
you can now click the product ID to open the corresponding item in a new web browser window ( the same as double-clicking the row )
added "Copy selected Product IDs" option to the right-click menu
improved the "reset columns" option in the right-click menu
Made the reviews a link that takes you to the corresponding web page containing the item's cusomter reviews

Version (Jan 12, 2012)

fixed the problem where the software stopped working and wasn't displaying any items .. this has now been fixed.
fixed the sorting problem. the columns containing numbers were not sorting in the correct numerical order .. that is now fixed.

Version (Dec 27, 2011)

added Exact Match checkbox feature
fixed sorting problem for the rating column
fixed low/high price validation

Version (Dec 13, 2011)

fixed the "Save to CSV" function to work better. the output is now a lot cleaner

Amazon Product Inspector: Download Here

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